Thursday, December 29, 2011

Project 365 - Days 70 - 79

I know I started this project on my blog from day 80 stating that anyone can go to my facebook to see the rest. But I've decided to update my blog. Sorry for those of you whom I have bored with this decision.

Day 70

Sunday, the day of rest, the day to go to church, the day to get caught up on laundry, the day to skip breakfast and lunch and have a big brunch, football, sleeping in. Sunday is known to many different people for many different reasons.

I do wish more people found it a day not just to go to church, but to worship with friends, family, to congregate. I can't put into words how important my time with my church family is to me. This day is no more important than yesterday when it comes to giving thanks to God. But it is a day that reminds me just that. Every day is for God, and I thank Him for the many days he has given me full of life and blessings. If I didn't have the foundation of
Vive Church, each day would become more and more difficult, the devil would get further and further into the moments of my day, until I was lost again.

Sunday is my favorite day. What a blessing it is to have a time set aside, every week with the only purpose being congregation.

Day 71 -I love when my parents come to visit for many reasons. But one is old movies. My father is great at watching old movies. He just finds one while channel surfing and stops. That's one of the many beauties of old movies. You don't need to watch them start to finish for them to be enjoyable.

This particular movie was called Freaks. It was worth stopping what I was doing to join in.

Day 72 -
So much baking to do!!! Will it all get done? Of course? ;)

Day 73 - Have I mentioned I love my Columbia? ;)

I of course wish that I lived closer to my family (or that they lived closer to me is more like it). But Columbia is close enough for everyone to still visit.

And it no longer is torture to come and stay with us (other than the screaming naughty children and crazy pets). Columbia not only has more than enough to offer for entertainment, but it has a little something unique to offer to anyone I know. For some it's Chrissy, our water park, our selection of food (including red hot dollars from The Peanut Man), our beautiful selection of flowers, and the list goes on.

Soooo, how does everyone I know and love feel about moving here?;)?

Day 74 - As complicated of a relationship I have with birds, these little guys have become a large part of our time. I do honestly enjoy them when they aren't climbing on me, fighting near me, or flying too close to me;) And I think they are so beautiful.

Day 75 - I'm an idiot!

I was never a genius, but what little I already had of a brain is slowly (more like quickly) leaving me.

I forget everything! If I'm holding something and I put it down ... gone. If I go to the store to get ingredients for baking ... I forget the main ingredient. Every time I walk out the front door ... I have to go right back in for whatever I forgot.


I worry for myself

Day 76 - Balls!

I know I know, Vive Vive Vive. Sick of hearing about it yet? Too bad;) Once again I'm blabbing about how blessed I am to have the Vive family in my life.

I got to bake for Vive's first birthday. And though it was a a bit too much for me, stressful, tiring, messy, expensive, messy, and time consuming (did I mention messy?);) It was awesome!

My favorite part was working with
Rebecca Webster. Not only did I get to get to know her better, but I got to be taught by her. She has such a natural talent, and it was such an honor to learn from her.

All in all I got to get my hands dirty with my Vive people (including
Renee Davis), really accomplish something amazing, and come out of it all more blessed than when I started.

I'd also like to give a special thank you to
Robert Bigda and Caleb Webster for being such Amazing Husbands!!! Thanks for putting up with it all:)

Happy Birthday
Vive Church and thank you to Robin Knechtel and Randy Knechtel for taking a huge step of faith and making all of what Vive has to offer available to us. The world was made a much better place a year ago.

Day 77 - Happy Birthday Vive Church!

Vive Church has been bringing people to life for a year today. And now is the start for an even bigger and better year for our church family. I pray that we grow in numbers and in strength

Day 78 - This house can get pretty crazy. Crying (from the girls and me;), barking, messes, messes, more messes. There are days, like today, where I just don't know how I'm going to make it through. I start to lose sight of my purpose. I feel like I'm just surrounded by mindless chaos.

But every now and then my crazy house shows the love and peace that holds it all together. Two enemies relaxing within reach of each other.


Day 79 - Anne asked to go look at the pumpkins today, and how could I say no to that? I love having a small pumpkin patch right down the road. We get to go whenever we'd like and just enjoy ourselves.

 Free seasonal fun:)

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