Sunday, October 16, 2011

Project 365 - Day 84

How rocking would that be if we could mow our rug! Our rug is icky yucky caca stank. If it grew, Rob could mow it (and yes I say Rob because we all know I never would), and it would be nice and fresh again. If I spilled something, or if a dog peed, or if a child pooped, or whatever other drama that may occur to our carpet ... it would be cool. Just wait it out a couple days ... and mow it!


  1. With more people putting hardwood floors in their homes, it means less work for rug mower manufacturers. This is the real cause for our economical worries and high unemployment rates. I say bring back the shag!

  2. I completely agree! This is what needs to be talked about in this world. The real issues of our time.
