Sunday, October 16, 2011

Project 365 - Day 83

Taking a picture of the cake for my photo for the day, not very surprising or original, I know. But it's not just the cake itself that means something to me. It's something accomplished. Rob helped, friends supported me, the girls drove me insane;) I like knowing that no matter what it is I choose to attempt in life, I have a world full of supporters. All this love over a cake. Imagine the backup I would get if I tried to accomplish world peace;)


  1. hey ----- go for it!!!!! Step 1) Sell a cake. Step 2) World Peace. Not too big of a jump I say?!? Besides, this world needs more do-ers and fewer sit-back-in-my-lazy-boy-and-watchers.

  2. Glad someone out there can see it my way;)
