Friday, October 14, 2011

Project 365 - Day 81

I'm not sure what my deal has been lately. I've been feeling a shift is in the making in my life and I'm not pleased with it. It's one of those things I can feel, but I can't put my finger on exactly what's changing. I feel as if things are going backward instead of forward where I want my life to be headed. I have spent too many of my days going either nowhere or backward. Rob and I have been moving forward ahead full speed and I want that back. I'm not sure what needs to change or be done, but hopefully I can figure it out soon. I do know one thing though, I need to make sure God is more of my day than any other thing. If anyone can figure anything out that involves me in it, it's him:)

So, to the point of the picture ... I was letting my naughty dogs outside to ruin our backyard instead of the living room, and I noticed my rose bush. With all of this cold and heat, and heat and cold, it's still blooming ... again. I was shocked. I then realized, life goes on with or without me. So time to stop being stuck in a rut and time to start getting out of it. Or so, that's what I thought at that moment. Will I do that? Who knows with me!


  1. It is so wonderful that you share your thoughts with us ... After reading your words today my eyes welled up with tears ... I have been feeling that same shift , what do I do now ..:something is so off with me...I feel as though even being so far away from each other and picking two very different paths in life we meet at these same crossroads over and over again ... I was feeling bad for myself today .. I'm gonna get out of my rut just like you Liz we can do it together :) I love u my friend :) ps love the blog super cool

  2. I love you too! And we are kindred spirits. That is why we will always cross paths, no matter where we are or what we are (or are not) up to. I can not get over what an amazing job you are doing and what an awsome person you are! Your running, the bootcamp, the practice, two jobs, the list goes on and on. Soooo impressed by all of your hard work and motivation. I soooo could not do it. You are a rock star:)
