Thursday, December 29, 2011

Project 365 - Day 50 - 59

Day 50 - I love random pretty chairs. I like artwork that uses chairs ... paintings, cross stitches, photography. I don't like a lot of chairs. Just one random pretty chair.

This chair is not just random and pretty, it is being used as a pot holder. How nifty is that.

Day 51 - I am so blessed, it would take pages to tell it all. But I'm hoping this project helps to bring into perspective the good in our days.

I always knew the potential in Rob. But seeing it first hand, just blows me away. He is many wonderful things, but on the top of that list is he is a great dad. How lucky my girls are that I have such great taste;)

Rob is a great dad when the girls are looking and when they are not, when it's easy and when it feels impossible, when he has the time for the girls and when he doesn't have a second to spare. There is never a moment to his day where his children do not come first, where he is not trying to be a role model for them, where he is not guiding them.

I have the pleasure in watching my husband and daughters growing together. I have been blessed with Rob, with (so far) two amazing girls, and a family unit that is stronger than I knew possible till recently.

I love my snookums

Day 52 - A house where children live can be very spooky. Talking dolls, toys turning on and off on their own, and things being set up in scary ways. Here is the double Dora I walked out to this evening. All I needed was some scary music in the background.

Day 53 - I'm sure many moms and dads can relate to this. The doctors. I feel like I live there sometimes. It would be easier on everyone, if I just packed up our bags and moved in.

And of course it is never a family appointment. If it's for me, neither girls can be there. For Isabella, maybe I can bring Anne. For Anne, they would like me to find care for Isabella. There aren't enough babysitters for all of the appointments we have.

But, I thank God we have the medical coverage for it. At the end of the day, we all get the care we need, and that is what really matters. But finding a babysitter can be one pain in the butt

Day 54 - The Army paid for us to go on a weekend vacation with our family. The Great Wolf Lodge in NC. It was amazing. All four of us got to spend the entire weekend together and just relax and have a nice time.

We also got to spend time as a couple while the girls were being taken care of, and we got to spend time with friends.

I'm sad to have it all end, but loved having the time to spend as a family. The Army sure does know how to work my last nerve, but every now and then ... they pull through

Day 55 - A child hugging an enormous wolf may not mean much for most parents, but for me it is so exciting. Anne hugged this wolf, named Violet, over and over and over. She was trying to cut in line, she was sneaking away from us, and just as she was done hugging her she would turn right around for one more quick hug. She wanted nothing but lots and lots of hugs from Violet.

Anne a week ago would have been terrified and possibly cried for longer than I'd like to imagine. But she is improving by leaps and bounds. She is social, brave, excited, happy, and more. <------Not all the time of course:) I'm not sure what is making the change so quickly for her, but whatever it is, God bless it:)

And I've said this before, but when she makes positive changes like this in life, I think of all the wonderful family and friends helping us and helping Anne. We wouldn't be looking at a picture of Anne hugging a giant wolf without you

Day 56 - I used to love love love the heat. Now the heat makes me wear tiny clothes and bathing suits, neither of which I have the slightest interest in wearing;) This of course does not mean I am looking forward to the cold. But I am pleased that I can finally wear jeans and carry a sweater with me again.

I also love the colors and smells that come a long with fall nearing.

My favorite thing about this cooler weather though, is being able to open my windows. I adore fresh air and a nice cross breeze in my home.

Day 57 -  know I've already mentioned how much I love having the windows open. But I am not the only one. Arnie loves fall even more than I. Having the windows open for him is like a Teen Mom marathon for me;)

Day 58 - This crib was gifted from Mom and Dad when Isabella was born. I love this crib. It doesn't transform into a bed, but I think it's so pretty and simple. When Anne was born, Isabella got another crib from IKEA. Something smaller and more for her, less for newborns. And the pretty crib became Anne's.

Well now my baby is too quickly growing into a big girl. And sadly this means she has grown out of the crib. This is the last I will be seeing this crib for some time. I took this picture right before Rob dismantled it.

Day 59 - This is the actual phone where the phone call came in, answered by my loving husband.

We are staying another year!!! The Bigda's will be home for at least a year 1/2 now:)))

I love my Columbia.

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